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Thursday, March 6, 2008

!Games I've Done!

As i said I'm a Game Creator, as such I'm expected to at least crank out 1 or maybe even two games a year, and most of the games i create end up being stuff you'd see on an old school console, well here is the list of games I've actually finished!
  • 1) Plague- a top-view survival shooter where you and a friend can have fun teaming up to destroy zombies & soldiers as well as save Civilians. *Nobody has beaten it yet* *Award winner of 2007's Halloween game creator competition*
  • fighting the Baka- space invaders with a twist, basically an Ode to my friends and an attempt at on old-school classic. * the characters are named after me and my friends nicknames.*

This is all I've done so far, but ill be making more and updating the list as often as i can!!!

to play these and my fellow game creators games just go to


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